



Veneno is an original series created, written and directed by Javier Calvo and Javier Ambrossi. It tells the story of the life and death of Cristina Ortiz, known as La Veneno. It is fiction but is based on the memoir “¡Digo! Ni puta ni santa”, written by Valeria Vegas. When Valeria was a small child, she could never understand why people called her by another name, a name that was not hers. The same thing happened to Cristina, who survived a violent and cruel childhood in Spain in the 60s. Although both women were born in very different eras, chance or fate brings them together forever when Valeria, a student of Journalism, decides to write a book about the life of iconic Cristina, La Veneno. Veneno won the GLAAD award, the Rainbow award given by Spain´s Ministry of Equality, two Iris awards given by the Television Academy, the Silver Frame for best Spanish series and the ODA (Observatory of Diversity in Audiovisual Media) award. It was also nominated for the Dorian Awards, Imagen Awards and MIPCOM Diversity TV Excellence Awards for Best Series.


Lola Rodríguez, Daniela Santiago, Isabel Torres, Jedet, Paca la Piraña, Lola Dueñas, Goya Toledo, Ester Expósito, Desirée Rodríguez, Mariona Terés, Marcos Sotkovszki, Israel Elejalde, Elvira Mínguez, Jordi Vilches, Guillermo Márquez, Omar Banana, Ciro Petrone, Sophia Lamar, Mercedes León, Mona Martínez, Pepón Nieto.

Dirección: Javier Calvo y Javier Ambrossi 
Guión: Javier Calvo y Javier Ambrossi 


Premio Iris de la Crítica


Mejor intérprete femenino en ficción nacional

2020 | Isabel Torres, Daniela Santiago y Jedet

Mejor serie española

2021 | Según los lectores

Mejor serie de televisión en habla español


Premios FanCineGay | 2020, Premios FICAL | 2020 | Premio Filming Almería, Premios HOY Magazine | 2020 | Mejor serie del año, Premios HOY Magazine | 2020 | Mejor actriz del año | Daniela Santiago e Isabel Torres, Premios Diversa | 2021 | Premio Diversa a la Televisión

